Wonderful experience at CFCamp in Munich (15+ useful resources and slides)
CFCamp in Munich is done for 2017. 150 people came, which is a record for the organizers, liters of coffee drank, and an ice cream machine!
This was a 2-day full-on conference with 5 official coffee brakes, and with a great quiz at the end of day 1 with Mark Drew and Rob Dudley from Localhost Podcast. We have had a pleasure of listening 25 presentations with 20+ speakers. Very impressive.
Here is the list of the topics and slides from the presentations (stay tuned for updates as we post new material)
1. Tools for improving your CFML code quality by Kai Konig
This talk has provided an introduction to code quality. We found out about the different ways how to perform code analysis. This will help you measure and understand code quality. There is a range of categories of tools available, some of which also support CFML.
In the second part of the talk, we’ve heard about the details and usage of CFLint. CFLint is a static code analyser for CFML that is based on the CFParser project.
You will find a full presentation here
2. OAuth 2 for me and you by Mat Gifford
In this session, Matt talked about the OAuth 2 protocol, what it means to be a consumer or provider, and how to navigate the handshake communications between the service. At the end of this session, you should feel safer in the fact that you are filled with the knowledge of OAuth 2, how to use it and how to build your own service.
Matt’s presentation is available here
3. Clojure: Manipulating the Immutable
Andrew Jackson has provided a brief intro into Clojure with some examples of how to efficiently manipulate data structures.
4. How to migrate 400.000 webpages with ColdFusion — an adventure story by Jonathan Winter
We’re talking about 300 websites covering 98 countries in 64 languages, maintained by 700 content editors from all over the world. All in all the impressive amount of 400.000 static webpages as well as a couple of web applications.
We took a look at the landscape how it looks today, including a MariaDB cluster, dedicated mobile applications, an Akamai CDN and a couple of new highly complex dynamic application including a social network for 500.000 users. And — you already guessed it — it’s all done with ColdFusion.
5. CFCouchbase 2.0 and N1QL by Aaron Benton
A glance at several example applications and N1QL queries that you can start using today in your ColdFusion development.
- New features in the SDK
- Deprecated features in the SDK
- Example Applications
- N1QL Queries
- Locking / Unlocking Documents
- New SubDoc API
6. Scaling the web — a field guide for normal software teams by Rob Dudley
This talk was aimed at smaller development teams likely to be found in earlier stage companies but relevant to all, and presented some of the common pitfalls and pain points in managing application growth while offering simple solutions based on experience, study and industry best practice.
From the importance of being stateless, through caching, queueing, database specific scaling, right up to SOA 101 this presentation has something to offer developers of all levels.
Here’s the full presentation of Rob’s talk at the conference.
7. Gert Franz gave talks on several topics
- Caching strategies in Lucee — with or without help
- Lucee Keynote
- Debugging Templates in CFML — write your own cool one
It is always very interesting to hear what guys from Lucee have for us, and Gert did just that!
8. FW1 — Don’t do spaghetti code, Use ultra-light MVC framework by Saravanamuthu Aka CF Mitrah
Legacy spaghetti code sucks, If your avg. LOC of your CFML file is high, then you are going to spent half of your life time in scrolling & debugging that monolithic code. FW1 will help to start with baby steps to organize your code in to MVC design patterned codebase. In this session, Mitrah has covered the basics of MVC, FW1 basics, commonly used functions, REST support and subsystems, DI/1 & AOP/1.
9. Building Apps for Amazon Alexa by Evagoras Charalambous
In this presentation, we have learned the foundations of developing voice-enabled apps for Amazon Alexa-enabled devices, and building your own custom Alexa Skill in ColdFusion. Evagoras went through the creation of an app, learning by example, focusing on first creating and defining your app on the Amazon Developer portal, then how to make it talk to your ColdFusion code, and lastly how to test things even if you don’t have a device. A sample CF project was supplied, to be used as a base for a user to take away and start your own app.
10. Plumbing with Bitbucket Pipelines by Guust Nieuwenhuis
How to configure your Bitbucket repository, define your pipelines, use your own docker containers and deploy directly to your environments
You can view the full presentation here
11. Getting Stuff Done the Agile Way by Richard Herbert
Everyone is talking about Agile and Scrum these days but do you really know what it means?
In this presentation Richard talked about what it means to be Agile and how starting with a framework like Scrum can help you, your Team and your organization benefit from this collaborative and humanist approach to modern application development.
Here is Richard’s presentation link
12. GraphQL — A query language for your API by Mark Drew
Everything you wanted to know about GraphQL but was afraid to ask.
13. A Tale of Legacy To Modernization by Luis Majano
Evolve or Die! How many times have they told you, „You still coding in that?“. This was a talk about the infamous land of legacy ColdFusion applications, their why and existence motivations. How to finally evolve them and take them to the wonderful land of Modern ColdFusion.
Take a look at Luis’ post here
14. IoT — And how it works for you
Allnet — Dorian Schneltzer talked about IoT and what are the prognosis in the next 5–10 years. Why we will “need more power!” = more internet!
15. PresideCMS
Dom Watson talked about Preside CMS. Here is the full presentation.
16. Cyber-Security seen by an IT-Manager
Dr. Robert Reinermann talked about this interesting topic in the main room. Interesting to hear someone who is using CFML and what are possible threats.
17. ColdBox 5: Hierarchical MVC -Transform Your Monolith by Luis Majano
The ColdBox Platform was the first conventions based MVC framework for ColdFusion. It has evolved and become the de-facto standard for building scalable and modern ColdFusion applications. What is a hierarchical MVC and modularization to scale your applications to a new modern era. Learn about all the tools to help you architect, document and scale your RESTFul and Web applications.
Follow this link for a full presentation.
18. Apache Kafka: Intro and use in CFML by David Sedeno Fernandez
In this session, David has introduced Apache Kafka, the distributed streaming platform, the key concepts that distinguish this software from other traditional “queue” systems.
In the second part, he showed how they use it in production, how you can scale producers and consumers easily.
Here are the slides from David’s presentation.
19. Mura and Vue.js by Grant Shepert
20. Database Security for Developers by Ilya Verbitsky
An introduction to SQL Server security system. The talk was about authentication, authorization, roles, permissions and data encryption and about database security best practices which can help you to protect data even when your application has been compromised. The ideas from the session might be applicable to other database management systems.
21. Solving problems in ways never before possible, with FusionReactor 7 by Charlie Arehart
Charlie’s talk introduce the many new and improved things in FR7. Ever need to solve jvm memory leaks? FusionReactor 7 now includes heap analysis. Wish you could understand the Tomcat web connector better? FR 7 now includes JMX metrics. Want to watch your server’s performance via AWS CloudWatch? FR 7 lets you export over 150 metrics to that service. Come learn about these new and many enhanced features to help solve problems in ways never before possible.
Charlie’s presentation is available on this link
Stay tuned for the updates folks. More links coming soon!
Big thanks to Michael Hnat, the organizer of CFCamp! We hear that this venue might be too small for the next year because it has reached its maximum capacity!
Big thanks to all the speakers and see you next year!
Originally published at teratech.com on October 27, 2017.